Web [] pages

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[Before you start] [List of scammed pages] [Html Specifications] [Browser Hints]

If you want to hone things to a fine edge, skip this page, and check out our four [pages] on tags, page design, transport, and utilities.

I should warn that this is just a collection of documents, some of use, some outdated, many with broken internal links, or outdated links elsewhere, and all without images (even though they may show up on your screen). I'll expand on some of this later. These are copies stored locally. If images show up, they will have been fetched by your browser from the original sources (if the base address is listed in the head section). Not infrequently nothing will show cause the original address has disappeared off the web.

I haven't read any of these closely lately, so if some turn out to be less than usefull, let me know and I'll delete them. In turn, if you run accross anything great let me know also, I'll add it, or the link.

Before you start

Try this link first, "Publish Yo'Self" at [http://www.links.net/webpub/] The best and briefest directions on getting started. Good links elsewhere. (If you can't connect, or if it disappears, find a local copy is [here].)

Easy as Hell List of Stuff

[html2.htm ]
The NCSA Primer (HTML4) This is the definitive document for beginners.

[htmlq.htm ]
A good, quick intoduction and guide to html.

A collection of "don'ts" -- many of which I disagree with

[cgh.htm ]
Composing "good" html

Yes indeed, HTML2 based (I wonder if there is an update)

[html.htm ]
Quick summary (HTML3+) and usefull links and how to "put the stuff up."

[design.htm ]
Accessable design - continues to the three links below:

Stupid Web Tricks

Style guide for text and writing, rather than for tags.

How to make your webpages flop.

Webpage design.

How graphics will ruin the web.

Downward compatibility.

[sucky.htm ]
Top ways to tell if your web page sucks.

[tyrant.htm ]
Web Tyrant Page

Browser independent Design

[webtips.htm ]
"Use the defaults, Luke" Great page!

A HTML terrorist's list of bad html code, and checklist to send to the owners of Bad Stuff (TM) Web pages.

[confuse.htm ]
Gripes about money, dates, country designations.

Rant about hit counters, ahuh.

[doctype.htm ]
The meaning of "doctype" and other head elements

Top ten mistakes. Ha! Frames is one of them

[font.htm ]
What can go wrong with the"font" tag

[frames.htm ]
Quick rundown on frames parameters.

Similar to the above, but more verbose.. From Netscape.

A great set, covers all of the web and some. Look up terms and impress your friends. Dont expect to find MMX and other product jargon.

[hex.htm ]
It's Lynda's patient explaination of what goes wrong with colors.

[ismap.htm ]
Image map drawbacks

[learn.htm ]
Specialty items for web pages, from Netscape.

A rant on Bad Ideas (TM) in web pages.

More on downward compatibility for Text browsers

The Lynx users group manifesto (But Netscape is so cool!)

[nhtml.htm ]
A good rant on Netscape's manipulation of Browser standards

A more verbose explication of the limited pallette available under Windows, MAC, and Netscape. The images are missing.. I'll get them later.

[page.htm ]
Page tags and target windows (frames)

[table.htm ]
Tables explained in brief

[target.htm ]
Windows targets for Frames

[wwwfaq.htm ]
Sun site FAQ on WWW.

[wysiwyg.htm ]
WYSIWYG and editors.

Navigation And Java script

Style Sheet dependence

Style Sheets tutorial

[suck.htm ]
Suck Site

CSS intro

[style.htm ]
Effective use of Style Sheets

CSS guide

CSS rules

linking CSS

doc type headers

Good Style

new in HTML 4

Http / html design

Secure or not


The last page on the internet


Start your web life off with the easy HTML2 tags, and expand into the wider range of things available (and mostly implemented worldwide) with HTML3.2, you may want to discover what the difference is in going to HTML4 -- which is the current standard, but not widely implemented yet. (Note that HTML3 was never accepted, and HTML3+ is an entirely bogus creation of Netscape.)

The HTML3.2 and HTLM4 specifications are available on the internet, at the following URLs (as near as I can tell):

at [http://www.w3.org/TR/PR-html40/]
or [http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/]

HTML 3.2:
at [http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/]
or [http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/wilbur/]

If you need these for your very own, download [this] zipfile (860 K). It includes HTML 4, HTML 3.2, and all the other files in this directory and more (284 total). Place it to a directory, say something called "html", and unzip it with the "-d" parameter for pkunzip, in other words, type "pkunzip -d htm.zip" at the DOS command line.

Then make up a file called (for example) "start.htm" which goes as follows, and is placed in the same directory... this..


<a href="./index.htm">[Various]</a>
<a href="./3.2/index.htm">[HTML 3.2]</a>
<a href="./4/index.htm">[HTML 4]</a>


<a href="http://spaces.org">[spaces.org]</a>
<a href="http://jnocook.net/">[jno cook]</a>

I added the last two items to show how you can make this "start file" into source for listing frequently accessed websites. Add you own favorites.

The last thing to do is to type "file://c:/html/start.htm" in your browser's address space, and select this file as the default starting point. In the future you can add whatever links you want to this file. The browser can thus be used to browse all of your harddrive, or let you go anywhere you like on the internet.

To see the content of your harddrive you would use something like

<a href="file://c:/">[C Drive]</a>

You may need to use backward slashes before the "c" or replace the colon with a "|" -- depends on which browser you are using.

Browsing Hints

Things will go a lot easier if you set your browser to ignore a few things. The following is for a recent version of MS Explorer. It starts under the menu heading View. Basically the same menu exists in Netscape, except that it starts under Edit. Open up the box under Internet Options:

More on cache: To refresh Every time will just slow things down. Set the refresh rate at Once per session, so at least you won't be looking at files which only exist on your harddrive.

Lastly, be aware that some changes won't take effect unless the cache is cleared, or the browser is restarted, or both. And very last, don't expect anything to work as it would seem to be designed.


ISP: Outflux.net
HOST: jnocook.net
URL: http://jnocook.net/html/index.htm