[PART 1:] [Introduction] [Sculpture] [Installations]
[PART 2:] [Concepts] [Resources] [Jno Cook] [Credits]
(PART 3:) [Code Sources] [The Boxes]


Part 3 of the on-line catalog for an exhibition of computers, computer graphics, screen manipulations, installations, sculptures, and sound, titled NO CARRIER, by Jno Cook, dealing with the incursion of computers into our jobs and homes and the effect of the internet, at Beret International gallery in Chicago, 1550 N Milwaukee, Chicago Il 60622 (phone: 773 489 6518), one of the [Uncomfortable Spaces] galleries, From September 6 through October 12, 1996, with an introduction by Amber Baum.

Code for the Installations

I should point out: any obvious or boring routines have been removed or reduced to single lines of code. Most of the programs are very simple - which is the point. Some just run from a floppy which loads the command processor and the executable files into a minimal RAM drive. I have not listed any of the BASIC programs.

All the computers write log files to track usage. All the computers start up their operating program from the boot file, except Frankenstein which continues to have a C-drive error, "F1 to continue," and Cyclops (a PS/2) which can't remember what time it is. Except for these two, and two interactive installations, no keyboards are used. This to protect me from angry geeks and incompetent mechanics - and there have been some.


"Catalog" scrolls a text file (sep.out) across the screen, and sounds out the words as each line is printed. Everything is loaded to a 240K RAM drive. The screen color is first set with color.bat and a red border with red.com. The double pipe takes two minutes to write its temp files, hence the warning on the opening screen. Takes about 90 minutes to talk through the file. Prints a copy simultaneously, which is initially spooled by DMP.COM.

at echo off
:: run.bat for "catalog"
:: requires a RAM drive, at least 240 512 12 /e
:: requires device=c:\george\talka.sys
:: move comspec to d:
:: requires device=c:\george\nnansi.sys
:: uses dmp /mxall; tee.exe; scroll.exe (timo's); red.com; color.bat
:: run vfont /o for VGA
md temp > nul
del *.* < yes > nul
copy c:\catalog\*.* d:\
copy c:\dos\command.com d:\
set comspec=d:\command.com
set temp=d:\temp
call color 15 1
echo. ....................please wait two minutes
type sep.out | scroll 50 | tee $talk$
goto a
Soon into the opening it proved that this unit just added too much sound to the gallery, so I disabled the sound. The 3rd Line from the bottom, above, became "type sep.out | scroll".

- PF.exe is the DMP substitute for DOS "print." It moves a file to the DMP print spooler. DMP.COM, is a super print spooler, which grabs any available memory, but releases it when done. SW by DMP software (San Mateo, CA).

Additionally the printer can be turned off without running into error messages. The printer is turned off when plenty of catalogs have been printed. The Catalog is printed from a captured print file from Word Perfect (sep.bin), that is, formatting was done elsewhere, actually for an LQ570, but using a LQ500 driver, which just happens to be the printer in use here.

- Color.bat is a batch utility by Prof. Timo Salmi, Department of Accounting and Business Finance, University of Vaasa, Finland. Parameters follow the DOS foreground and background color codes. (1995)

- Red.com is just a 12 byte com file (MOV AH, 10; MOV AL, 1; MOV BH, 4; INT 10; MOV AH, 4C; INT 21) which set the border to red. Cockrowch, 1996.

- Scroll (scroll.bat) is by Prof. Timo Salmi, Department of Accounting and Business Finance, University of Vaasa, Finland. This is a filter which allows files to be piped. The "50" sets the scrolling speed. (1995)

- Tee (Tee.exe) is by Richard Breuer, of Aachen, Germany, and acts as the Unix command of the same name. Tee allows the lines of the catalog file which are being printed to the screen to be piped to $talk$, which is the input file for the PC speaker driver. (1992)

- Talk.sys creates the $talk$ file to which the text is written which is to be send to the PC speaker. Talk.sys is a device driver written by Jon Hornstein of Melbourne, Australia, which can be operated from text, creating the needed phonemes. To keep Talk.sys from sounding out all the punctuation marks, the SYS file needs to be hacked to remove the punctuation code. Phonemes have an Aussy overtone. (1995)

- Sep.out is the text file extracted from sep.htm (index.htm), with some edits to reduce the complexity. Extraction is by HTMSTRIP.EXE, a utility written by Bruce Guthrie (Silver Spring, MD).

- Wait (wait.com) is a variable delay written by Bob Montgomery in 1989. The 600 parameter stands for 600 seconds of delay.

"Rounding Errors"

Need not say much about this. It computes the sums, differences, and products of randomly selected small numbers. Twenty percent of the time one is added or subtracted from the result. If result are below zero, it starts over. Adding an amplifier to the PC speaker allows the use of the ticking noise when the program is "working" at some difficult math. Running on an XT with a 1 meg add-on card. MDA doesn't help the speed either.

"Rounding Error" ("computing") is a BASIC program run from a 100K RAMdrive. A RAM drive is used because of frequent shells to Bigtext.com, which is used to display large numbers to the screen. The Comspec is also set to the RAMdrive. The Run.bat instruction consists of the following.

at echo off
:: start.bat for "computing"
:: runs on firefly
:: requires math2.bas, qbasic.exe, bigtext.com, cadel
:: command com is 54.6k; math2.bas is not moved up
:: requires a ramdrive. As a minumum change config.sys as follows:
:: device=c:\dos\ramdrive.sys 74 512 4
:: and reset the comspec to the ramdrive (happens below)
copy bigtext.com d:\
copy c:\dos\command.com d:\
set comspec=d:\command.com
qbasic /run c:\compute\math2.bas
- Math2.bas calls Bigtext from a shell.

- Bigtext.com (1993, 95) is by William Luitje of Ann Arbor, Michigan. This is a unique program in that is uses the BIOS ROM character set to build a variety of large letters, including sideways reading. (Used also by "Welcome").

- Cadel.com is a utility which locks out Control-alt-delete, as well as Control-c and Control-break. Written by Kevin D. Quitt (Van Nuys, CA) 1990. This is used because the keyboard stays attached. And the keyboard stays attached because it's an XT, and needs an 83 KB to boot up.


"Cuss" is a BASIC program which writes to the PC speaker driver file of Talk.sys (Listed above).

A long ascii variable is constructed from a line of dots and adjectives and a noun. This is partially written to the lower line of the screen. As any vowel reaches position 40, the mouths change. The subroutines for the mouths take a variable which signals if it needs to be erased or drawn. As it stands, the program on occasion comes up with extra words which do not show on the screen. This is because I removed all the hyphenation from the source files. Talk.sys would render the hyphenated words as "bla minus sign bla." I have since removed the offending code from Talk.sys

The face and the mouths were hand drawn in a CAD program. The data represents point to point line draws, with 9999 signalling the start of a new unconnected segment.

:: run.bat for "cuss"
::requires config.sys ... device=talk.sys
qbasic /run c:\cuss\cusstalk.bas

"Dum Dee Dum"

This is a version of "Cuss." It uses a graphics face developed by Simon Cygielski in Poland, which mouths the first line or so, and then scrolls off screen as three stanzas are written below it.

"Dum Dee Dum" is a BASIC file running from a 400k RAM drive (D:), and sounds out a text file through the PC speaker. It alternates with 30 seconds of "Klok." Stuffit is used to negotiate between the two executables. The Run.bat instructions are as follows.

at echo off
:: run.bat for "dumdeedum"
:: runs dum dee dum on Thucydides, with klok
:: requires a ram drive 400 512 12 /e
:: requires config.sys ... device=talk.sys
echo. ..........................please wait a second
copy c:\dumdee\*.* d:\ >nul
stuffit +0 > nul
stuffit +0 +30 27 >nul
klok klok.pcx
call qbasic /run d:\dumdee2.bas
stuffit /R >nul
- Stuffit (Stuffit.com) clears or preloads the keyboard buffer with any delayed time key combination. An amazingly stable TSR, written by Terje W. Mathisen, Oslo, Sweden (1990), and updated by Roedy Green (1992). The parameters are: +0 clears the keyboard buffer; +30 is a 30 second delay; 27 is the ascii code for the Escape key; /R removed Stuffit.

- Klok (Klok.pcx) is written by Jacco M. Hoekstra, Leiden, Netherlands. It presents a circular clock on the screen (marked "Manufactured by Hoekstra" and "Leiden" ) with black hands and a red second hand. The basic graphics is a PCX file. Hand movement is done with page switching. Great stuff! (1996) I changed the background to the clock to black.

"Angry Fruit Salad"

There are some 400 gif files to be displayed. They all have random number names. The Run.bat file consists of the following.

at echo off
:: run.bat for "fruit salad"

.......... and

at echo off
:: salad.bat for "fruit salad"
:: see random.bat for file name generation
:: use whatpix.com *.gif redirect to tempfile
:: sort temp tempfile, edit; 0.gif is the title
:: /r returns to calling program,
:: /y=0 resizes to fill screen
:: current 402 files
echo. fruit startup >> c:\log
time < c:\batch\enter >> c:\log
call sound
echo. P > c:\spkr
copy d:\*.spk c:\spkr >nul
vpic 0.gif /g /r /y=0
vpic 0378544.gif /g /r /y=0
vpic 0716350.gif /g /r /y=0
vpic 0829008.gif /g /r /y=0
vpic 10756243.gif /g /r /y=0
vpic 10806748.gif /g /r /y=0
............. etc
echo. restart fruit >> c:\log
time < c:\batch\enter >> c:\log
goto restart

The music (two tunes sounding like they might come from a merry-go round) is background sound for the carrousel, being ported (oops, "wired") to a separate audio amplifier. It has nothing to do with the images. The display of gif files takes 57 minutes. One of the music files is loaded to the device SPKR every ten minutes from a RAM drive. The music is not on all the time, since that would drive people batty.

- Sound.bat loads the two music files to a RAMdrive.

- Vpic (vpic.exe) is a configurable file viewing utility by Bob Montgomery (1988 -1993). It is very fast, and can be set up for specific video cards. This is what allows the fruit salad manipulation here, for he program is set for a VGA monitor. The command line parameters here used are: /g - resize for full screen; /r - return control to the calling program; /y=0 - start at the top of the screen. The utility actually thinks the screen is about 30 percent larger than it is, cutting off the bottom of many files. Just as well.

- 0.gif is a title, to let viewers know that they have been watching the screen for 57 minutes.

Almost all of the original file were in JPG format. They have been converted to GIF (87 non interlaced) to keep the loading time down. Additionally, the files have been renamed to keep from showing, for example, four versions of Mindy_xxx.gif in a row. Random.bat was used to do this. Code for Random.bat as follows.

for %%1 in (*.gif) do call newname %%1
- Newname.bat is called for each gif file in the directory. Newname in turn calls Getbase.bat and Gethun.bat, as follows.

call getbase %1
set new=
call gethun
set new=%hun%
call gethun
set new=%new%%hun%
call gethun
set new=%new%%hun%
call gethun
set new=%new%%hun%.gif
ren %basename%.gif %new%
- Getbase.bat calls Basename.exe, which returns the base of "file.ext" as the environmental variable %BASENAME%. Basename.exe is by Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland (1994).

- Gethun.bat calls a ten byte com file Hundreds.com which returns the hundreds after a second as the error level (MOV AH, 2C; INT 21; MOV AL, DL; MOV AH, 4C; INT 21). This is done four times in a row, and strung together for the new base of a filename. Cockrowch, 1990.

"On Line"

Originally "Hexadecimal Dialog," but now called "On Line" this is a BASIC file (hex.bas) run from the autoexec.bat file of the PCjr's.

Can't run this on an AT. Well, you could, but you won't get any sound. This is code and port addresses for the TI programmable 4 voice sound chip which came with the PCjr and the Tandy 1000 series computers. Runs under IBM DOS 2.1, a discontinued version. But a full blown BASIC setup, as a plug-in ROM cartridge -- although I run under a Tandy BASIC. PCjr machines have proprietary EVERYTHING (drives me nuts). But they have sound out and composite video out. Only 128 kb RAM. Plastic cases. The monitors are basically EGA, with sound. The sound currently is a car klaxon. That is where I stopped trying to work out the sounding of the word "bla." Just right for hurried travelers on the information highway. The program randomly expresses things like, "Me too, me too," "where are the warez?" "Get out of my way," "Hurry up."

"Pravda On Line"

"Pravda On Line" scrolls a text file through a window which has another window (Header.bat) superimposed on it. The main text scrolls below the Header text. Run.bat file copies the files to a 140 k RAM drive, and then alternates between "Pravda" and "Klok" as follows.

at echo off
:: run.bat for "pravda"
:: requires a ramdrive, change config sys as follows:
:: device=c:\dos\ramdrive.sys 160 512 16
copy *.* d:\

at echo off
:: pravda.bat for "pravda"
stuffit +0 +20 27 >nul
klok klok.pcx
stuffit /R >nul
call russian

- Cadel is noted above. It is used here because this puter won't boot without a keyboard.

- Stuffit is noted above. It is here also used to terminate the Klok program so that Russian.bat can be called.

- Klok is noted in text above.

- Setfont.exe is an included file with the package of Fontedit.exe by Travis Cobbs of San Jose, California. (1992) Setfont loads the font PRAVDA.FNT which has been edited to place certain Roman letters among the upper ASCII, for use in the header text (See below).

- Pravda.fnt is a Cyrillic font from the collection of 200 or so fonts included in FNTCOLxx of Yossi Gil of Jerusalem, Israel. I don't remember which; (I think cpi866) and after editing it was no longer the same, so I renamed it.

- Russian.bat is listed below. It first find the day of the month, then echoes a line at a time from a text file to the screen, overwriting it with a box of ANSI escape codes containing the header info (below). The text is white on blue. The header box is white on red - of course.

at echo off
:: russian.bat for "pravda"
call getday
set DOY=%DAY%˙Sep˙1996
call header
echo. 18 April 96 "NO CARRIER" Beta 3.0 for information
call header
echo. REV May 7 96 additions
............... etc
echo. end
The text file being written to the screen is an early version of the sep.htm file (index.htm), and was edited with Qedit to substitute "call header [LF] echo. " for each EOL. DOM is short for Day of the Month, an environmental variable. I am not checking the month, but setting it to September, and the year to 1996. To find both of these at the BIOS level takes too much time. Besides, I know it is September.

- Getday.bat calls Day.com which finds the day of the month as the error level. Day.com is a 10 byte com file (MOV AH, 2A; INT 21; MOV AL, DL; MOV AH, 4C; INT 21). Cockrowch, 1991.

- Header.bat writes the box of information which rides upon the scrolling text window. I'm not going to show this.

Half of it would probably not show with your browser, since this includes ANSI escape codes. Translated to English, this would go, "All the news from Mother Russia," and on the following line, "WELCOME! PRAVDA ON-LINE COMMIES at CCCP.COM." A mix of e-mail addresses and Web Sites.. The text is white on red.

- Wait (wait.com) is noted above.

"Rollo Dog"

"Rollo Dog" run a 105 frame "movie" of hand drawn images displayed in twenty seconds from a 2500 kb RAM drive. The individual PCX files are unzipped onto the drive by Run.bat. The COMSPEC is moved too, and all the executable files. Rollo alternates with Klok. A tune is played while Rollo runs. Run.bat goes as follows.

at echo off
:: run.bat for "rollo"
:: rollo runs on Spider, alternates with klok,
:: requires RAM drive 2500 512 120 /e
:: requires device=c:\george\drvspkr.sys
:: reset the comspec to the d drive
md klok
echo. ..........................please wait a second
pkunzip -en c:\rollo\egarollo.zip > nul
copy c:\rollo\stuffit.com d:\ > nul
copy c:\dos\command.com d:\ > nul
copy c:\rollo\klok.exe d:\ > nul
copy c:\rollo\picem.exe d:\ > nul
copy c:\rollo\3 d:\ > nul
copy c:\rollo\klok.pcx d:\klok > nul
copy c:\rollo\rerun.bat d:\ > nul
copy c:\rollo\tick d:\ > nul
set comspec=d:\command.com
stuffit +0 > nul
copy 3 spkr: > nul
picem /k /n /e /w:1 /v:g d:\*.pcx > nul
picem /k /n /e /w:1 /v:g d:\*.pcx > nul
:: place klok here, kill on 30 seconds
stuffit +0 +30 27 > nul
copy tick spkr: > nul
klok d:\klok\klok.pcx
stuffit /R > nul
:: rerun is run from RAMdrive
- Stuffit is described above. It is used here to kill the Klok program.

- Drvrspkr.sys is a device driver which generates "Spkr:" as a file which can be written to. Drvrspkr.sys is a shareware program written by Gordon E. Peterson, of San Antonio, Texas. It allows modification of the "beep" sounded out through the PC speaker, as well as playing tunes written in the requisite code. Once loaded (there is a 17k buffer), the PC speaker operates in the background from other programs. (1986)

- The file "3" is actually a modified section of the musical notation identified as Gavotte.spk, written by Char Aznabul, and attributed to F. J. Gossec. Claudia George inspected the code to find breaks appropriate for Rollo Dog, and coded the calilopy-like delays.

- Picem (Picem.com) is a small and amazingly fast Shareware file viewer for GIF and PCX files written by John Bridges. It allows menu or command line operation, and will loop or slide-show any number of images (1991). The parameters here used are, /k, don't wait for a keypress; /n, don't sort files (the unzip orders the files); /e, I forgot what; /w:1, wait one millisecond; /v:g setup for EGA video card.

- Tick is a sound file which sends a short (1 timer click) 9500 cycle sound to the PC speaker at 18 timer click intervals, thus producing a clicking sounds at one second intervals.

- Klok is described above. Klok.pcx is in a subdirectory to keep Picem from displaying it.

"Sign In"

"Sign In" is operated on a Hercules monitor, and alternately accepts keyboard input, and requests for more. Keyboard input is saved to a file which is scrolled at the beginning of the request for more keyboard input. The program operates directly as Signin.bat, coded as follows.

:: run.bat for "guests"

...... and

at echo off
:: signin.bat for "guests"
if exist guests type guests
bigtext /fc /A00001111 " SIGN IN"
cursor /ae
call getmss
echo %ASKENV% >>guests
goto a

- Cadel is noted above.

- Guests is the saved text file.

- Bigtext is described above.

- Cursor.com is by WP, and makes a BIG flashing cursor, although still in the wrong slot - not untypical of Hercules monitors.

- Getmss (getmss.bat) calls Askenv.exe. Askenv.exe is written by Prof. Timo Salmi, of Vaasa, Finland, and returns as an environmental variable a complete line of *whatever* is typed to the screen from the keyboard. (1991)


"Solitaire" is a BASIC program found on a floppy disk which came with a scrapped computer. Written by Jeff Littlefield, and modified in 1983 by Ken Handzik. That is all I know, except that it is written for CGA, and that neither author could spell "Solitar" - as they have it. I modified the program to remove a hokey "You Won" screen, and to allow randomly generated fake keypresses to run the program. 32000 key presses are allowed, or 1000 without a relocation of a card.

I resolved two bugs in the logic, and added more flags to track what was going on in the program. The problems with the logic did not show up until the machine started playing by itself. The bugs: Kings would move to the top before Queens at times, and the last card on the stack was not looked at unless the stack contained a multiple of three. So now it attempts moves also when the stack has been turned, and there are no cards face up. Somebody else can solve this problem in the future.

The program is not elegant, but it works. What used to be a call for a keypress is now a routine which randomly attempts moves. All improper moves are blocked by the program. Since I count attempted moves, and all variables are set to integers, the game restarts if 32000 moves are made without a win. Similarly, a separate counter (both are shown on the screen under "Command") tallies attempted moves between valid moves.

Playing by itself the program scores about .9 over long periods. Scoring follows the rules of Klondike Solitaire: You pay $52 for the deck, and get $5 for every card which ends up on top. The screen shows the long term results in games, dollars, and as a fraction. The found file included a very smart time-delay routine which I have used elsewhere.

at echo off
:: run.bat for "soletaire"
:: runs on ...firefly
:: program support QBASIC.EXE SOL22.BAS
qbasic /run c:\sol\sol22.bas


This is a Tic Tac Toe program written in BASIC in 1990. It never fails to draw or win. This version has been modified to use Bigtext.exe, and Talk.sys creatively. Runs from a 100 kb RAM drive.

:: run.bat for "tictac" on Pounds
:: keybuf.com 2 early
:: reduce mode con rate=2 delay=60 in autoexec
:: needs a RAM drive 100 512 8 /e
:: move comspec to ramdrive
:: f drive for ginger
keybuf 2
copy c:\dos\command.com d:\
copy c:\tictac\*.* d:\ >nul
set comspec=d:\command.com
stuffit +0 > nul
call c:\dos\qbasic /run d:\tictac.bas
- Clearkey.exe (a shell inside the BASIC program) clears the keyboard buffer. OzWoz Software, Australia (1988).

- Cadel is noted above.


"Welcome" runs on a monitor placed sideways, for all the text scrolls in that direction. Has the look of a bank time-and-temperature sign. Starts from a floppy drive which creates a 23 kb RAM drive to run the program. The autoexec.bat file asks for the time on starting (in side-ways big-type, for the monitor is on its side), since the computer always thinks it is just after midnight on January 1, 1980. The operating program goes as follows.

at echo off
bigtext /SV /M14 /N111 /A00001111 " Welcome to Beret International Gallery ..."
bigtext /SV /M14 /N176 /A00001111 " Presenting ..."
bigtext /SV /M28 /A00001111 " NO CARRIER "
bigtext /SV /M14 /N176 /A00001111 " by Jno Cook ..."
bigtext /SV /M14 /A00001111 " A catalog for this exhibition is available on the World Wide Web at ..."
bigtext /SV /M14 /N176 " www.Outflux.net/~spaces "
bigtext /SV /M13 " :::"
call gettime
bigtext /SV /M14 /N111 /A00001111 " The time is now ..."
echo. bigtext /SV /M27 /A00001111 ˙%noon%˙˙ > temp.bat
call temp
bigtext /SV /M14 /A00001111 "... please drive carefully ..."
bigtext /SV /M14 /A00001111 "I bought flowers for your mother ..."
goto a
- Bigtext has been described above. The /Nnnn and /Aannnnnnnn parameters select other than default fill characters, color, and flashing.

- Gettime (gettime.bat) returns the time as hr:min from an environmental variable NOON by calling Hour.com and Minute.com (the usual 12 byte error level com files). The time is written to a temp file because the (quoted) environmental variable could not be included in the Bigtext command line parameters.

Computers in use

Most of the boxes have a 386 sound chip installed so they can be heard through the din of an opening. More about the buck-and-a-half sound system below.

At the carrousel

1 - Tadpole, a 386-24, running "Angry Fruit Salad" on a TTL monitor. Tadpole at times doesn't remember it has a HD and forgets how much memory it has. Built into an XT case, with slots added from a Kapro found in a dumpster. Sound chip does background carnival music for the carrousel.

2 - Thucydides, a 486-33. Fast, now equipped with a TI 486DX2-80 chip, and running at about 220 mHz, and EGA. Thucydides presents "Dum-dee-Dum" and "Klok." Talks through dumdeedum. During development Thucydides was the Kitchen table link for file transfer and archiving. Later it became the workstation which runs the color printer for the "Faces."

3 - Herodotus, a 386-20. Companion to Thucydides, much slower, older, spins yarns and makes up stories about onions. Running "Cuss" and talking.

4 - Spider, a 386-40. Running "Rollo Dog" and "Klok." Absolutely broken com ports, even via I/O cards. With music and clock ticks.

5 - Firefly, a 286-11, the net connection at the GS Workshop at Columbia College till I pulled it. Now running "Solitaire" on CGA with sound.

6 - Frankenstein, a 386-20, running "Pravda On Line" on EGA. Named by Peter, who did not believe that a computer could be made up from broken parts from other computers. Borrowed from Karen. No sound.

7 - Jacob, a 088 XT, running "Rounding Error" on MDA.

8 - Pounds, 286-11. Running "Frustration" (Tic Tac Toe) on EGA, and talks.


- Cyclops, a 088-4 PS/2, running "Welcome" on an attached b/w monitor. A bogus IBM product that combines a much-better-than-CGA black and white monitor with a base holding the drives (The HD crashed when I turned on a window fan powered from the same wall outlet on a hot day in July) and a superslow 088 or 086 processor.

- Juniors I and II, PCJr's, running Hexadecimal Dialogue on some sort of IBM super EGA with 128 Kb of RAM, and a TI 3-voice sound chip.

- Gude, 286-11, by AST, B/W Hercules monitors. Gude will run the "Sign In" Log at the gallery door, greet people with Postmodernist phrases.

- Coelecanthus, 386, but very slow. Provides scrolling and talking access to the Exhibition Catalogue, and a printed version.


Almost all the computers are equipped with a 386 sound chip driven directly from the speaker signal pin of the motherboard through a 5k input (1k for piezo drivers). The 386 chips produces 300 milliwatts, and are attached to 2 watt speakers (replacing the 1/2 watt PC speakers) removed from IBM docking stations during scrapping.

Volume controls aren't needed; I just use a 4.7k/1k divider (the 386 goes 100% distortion at full up). Tadpole has a sound-out RCA plug, to play carnival music in the background from a 5 watt stereo amp, while it does other things on-screen.

(Installation shot, Adam Mikos) Go to: [part 1] or [part 2]

Website Provider: Outflux.net, www.Outflux.net

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