Jno Cook
in collaboration with Kirsten Daleske
October 22, 1999 - November 20, 1999
Beret international Gallery
Chicago, Illinois
The exhibition includes 12 toasters which no longer work, because the machines have developed personality quirks which cause them to complain bitterly about making toast. Also a Mac Toaster, and a Flying Toaster Wall Saver.
The scope was limited to toasters because "toaster" is also a
simile among hackers for an appliance with an embedded chip which
performs only a single task, and nothing else. Certainly this is
our expectation in dealing with most people also.
OK, that is the official story... Read the unofficial story as a metaphor for all the screwed up people we have to deal with in life.
Dysfunctional Toasters follows from two earlier exhibitions, Dangerous Machinery, which included working machines dedicated to the purposes of critiquing aesthetics and art issues, and the exhibition NO CARRIER, which installed 16 operating computers eagerly debunking the hype of a digital revolution and the arcana of the Internet.
All the toasters have secret identities corresponding to friends and acquaintances. The scripts and substantiation of voices are by Kirsten Daleske, the pyrotechnics are by Jno Cook.
[Kirsten Daleske] studied zoology at the University of Illinois, and is currently Office Manager of Counterpoint Networking Inc. Although her first love is animals, she is an astute observer of humans. This, with her imagination and mimetic sense of humor, made her a perfect collaborator for this exhibition.
rude, aggressive, pushy, a little whiny
stubborn, literal, unimaginative
fickle, goes off in many directions at once
moody, possesive, conservative
arrogant, proud, self-centered
picky, bitchy
wishy-washy, can't make decisions
vindictive, vengeful, jealous
dislikes routine and constraints
plodding, dull, unfeeling
spacy, out in left field
easily hurt, emotional, crushed by adversity
A [review] by G. Jurek Polanski which appeared in the on-line magazine [ArtScope].
The toaster [definition] from the OnLine Jargon File.
If [so and so] made toasters. IBM, Mac (they do), Microsoft, others. I've seen various forms of this on the Internet, often with an expanded description for some corporation. This one filtered through employees of Anderson Consulting.
And [here] is the price list.
Pictures taken during the [opening] by Gabriella Scalpone, and Leah Abrahams.
Website Provider: Outflux.net, www.Outflux.net
Feel free to send [comments] via email.